Help - I forgot to turn my light on...


Active Member
I have my plants vegging inside right now on a 16 on 8 off schedule until i put them outside,

the problem is i forgot to turn the light on last night and my question is do i need to overcompenstate for the light being off for 14 hours ? they say cutting light off for 12 hours will force flowering, but since the plants are only 10 days old, should I be ok ?


Well-Known Member
no, you don't need to compensate, all it will do is confuse the plant even more, stay on the same light schedule.....

cutting the light back to 12/12 will force flowering, but it takes a bit for the plant to actually enter the flowering stage, your plant should be ok as long as you get it back on it's normal schedule......... and get a timer, that way you don't have to worry about it.