Help how long should it take for seed to pop up ?


I have a few seeds i purchased & started by placing them in tray with 1/4 rain water with a ph of 6 for 3 days, warm 75-85 F & under light (60 watt led), once split I placed them under 1/2 inch of pro-mix & watered with pure rain water at 6 ph for past 2 days....Never has dried out as i sprinkle 2 times a day & mist also..... When should I see sprouts ? I was worried my plastic container may of contaminated them some how.... ? I did poke around and saw a seed with no more growth than when planted 2 days ago......


Well-Known Member
The tap root should not see light at all Iv had light leak into my seeds germinate and kill the taproot


Well-Known Member
The tap root should not see light at all Iv had light leak into my seeds germinate and kill the taproot
You sure about that? I think that light killing tap roots might be a myth. An awful lot of people start their seeds in wet paper towels or water and transplant with tap showing.


Well-Known Member
I have a few seeds i purchased & started by placing them in tray with 1/4 rain water with a ph of 6 for 3 days, warm 75-85 F & under light (60 watt led), once split I placed them under 1/2 inch of pro-mix & watered with pure rain water at 6 ph for past 2 days....Never has dried out as i sprinkle 2 times a day & mist also..... When should I see sprouts ? I was worried my plastic container may of contaminated them some how.... ? I did poke around and saw a seed with no more growth than when planted 2 days ago......
best way is warm water darkness and 24 hours you should see sprouts.. keep light away from seedlings.. i use humidity dome as well...


Well-Known Member
best way is warm water darkness and 24 hours you should see sprouts.. keep light away from seedlings.. i use humidity dome as well...
1) there is no "best way"
2) humidity domes are awesome...until you kill your whole crop with damping off.


Well-Known Member
The tap root should not see light at all Iv had light leak into my seeds germinate and kill the taproot
Thank you thats what i tell people hell I've grown mine in humidity dome for 2 weeks till first few leaves grew in total darkness only checking up on them once a day...


Well-Known Member
Thank you thats what i tell people hell I've grown mine in humidity dome for 2 weeks till first few leaves grew in total darkness only checking up on them once a day...
You must be trolling. I honestly have never met anyone that promotes keeping seedlings in dark for first 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Iv never done the 2 weeks Idk how that would work I feel they would stretch something shocking, people use the paper towel method I between 2 plates like a clam (darkness) and cup of water mother but put it in a draw or cupboard or something (darkness)


Well-Known Member
You must be trolling. I honestly have never met anyone that promotes keeping seedlings in dark for first 2 weeks.
not promoting just saying how i did my first one.. again there are 1000's of methods people can use.. that was just one.. and i tell ya it turned out being a 13 ounce girl with 400w


Well-Known Member
Iv never done the 2 weeks Idk how that would work I feel they would stretch something shocking, people use the paper towel method I between 2 plates like a clam (darkness) and cup of water mother but put it in a draw or cupboard or something (darkness)
Fair enough, but most people do not transplant in the dark so the roots are getting hit with some light and not dying. I start mine in dirt now, but have started some in water that was not kept in a dark place. They yielded 12 pounds each with a 15W bulb. :bigjoint: Just kidding on that last part.

You can actually kill a fresh seed with a 24 hour soak so no need to soak once they have cracked. Germ them anyway you like, just don't tell me how to germ mine!


Well-Known Member
That bit if light while transplanting from germ method to soil won't hurt I'm talking about the root being under direct light for hours on end like this guy said he is with the led light


Thanks i will give them a few more days then replant if i see nothing.... Damit ! I hate when that happens !
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