Help. Having a problem with a plant.


Well-Known Member
No worries, all things are worth considering. I was just thinking maybe your light isn't very even as far as the light its pumping out so the centre area is getting hit with more light causing more radial heat (rather than ambient temp). Give them a rotation and keep an eye on them. Could be that simple. If that is the case maybe you can raise the light a few inch, could be all it takes.
What ever you do, do one solution at a time so you know what is solving the problem.
Take it easy


New Member
Got them rotating daily, its looking good so far. I think the twisted plant may be a genetic problem, her three main colas are kinda formed together like a fork, otherwise looking healthy tho. Xena is starting to flower, very exciting



Well-Known Member
I had a few plants bend like urs only cuz it wasn't getting right amount of light it will bend towards the light idk it was a thought :bigjoint:


New Member
I had a few plants bend like urs only cuz it wasn't getting right amount of light it will bend towards the light idk it was a thought :bigjoint:
See its not so much a bend but a twist, very distorted, the colas too, good colour and strength tho so I'm not too worried. Thanks tho.