help for chooseing ballest,light bulb (hps,mh)


alright so as u can see im new to this shit and ive looked everywhere for CHEAP lighting and had no succsess some that where 100$ for everything all the way to 400$ so my question is can someone send me a link to nice equipment the is as cheap as you can find for a grow roome this size thank-you in advanceempty_closet.jpg (either include 1 link for the set or a link for each item and keep it cheap as in electricicty to if it doesnt need a ballast then even better) also would 2 florecent 800 lumen bulbs do the trick also growing only 3 plants.


Well-Known Member
I would have suggested a 400 watt HP system but since you don't want a ballast, find a decent LED light. Flower them short, and grow an indica or indica leaning hybrid.

By the way, two 800 lumen bulbs are perfect for a few scraps of bud of each plant. Do it right or don't bother. The stress of growing and jail wouldn't make it worth it IMO.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt go any cheaper than this:

i cant speak for their digi ballasts, but so far, i havent heard of many complaints.

if your interested more in floros :

there seems to be a nice selection of reasonably priced T5 units there, ranging from 2' 2 bulb units to 4' 16 bulb units.

* course, you need to plan for adequate ventilation no matter what route you go., figure on a 4-6" inline *not the cheap tin home depot ones, a real fan 70-120$ +/-


Well-Known Member
build up, no shit, i started with a 2 tube t12 4' floro, and some cfl's, under my kitchen sink a year ago (ya i got pics to prove it). Sold the shit instead of smoking it, invested that into better equipment. now rollin a decent setup, all for basically, jus my time....


Well-Known Member
If you can't afford $117 for a light, how you going to afford good soil, nutrients, pH and ppm meter, fans and exhaust, smell control, calibration fluid, pH up and down, enzymes and soil conditioners, the electric bill, insect control, etc. Nothing about growing good bud is cheap except your time. Other then good genetics, the second most important thing is a GOOD light.
The biggest mistake I always see beginners make is trying to do it "on the cheap". I know it's not what you want to hear....but basically most of us started just like item, then another when you could afford it. Over and over until you're where you want to be- years or crops later.


hmm, i can see what you mean, the heat isnt a problem nore is the smell so those things can be taken out the equation and then i decided to scratch up a few 120$ to get the light and now my next step i did was toped them at the 7th node and replanted the head of the topped one so now im all good for a bit :)


Get your Self A Used Aero garden for under a $100 good for a first time grower and then all you need is a Ph tester and Nutrients and some plants.
I found this pic of it in action.AutoAero.jpg


thanks again for all the help :) but i got a hermi and decided to keep it because of seeds the other 1 stopped growing for a bit then sprouted 2 new nods way down at the bottom but my hermi is the star winner sofar and the seeds will sell like crazy from where i am. people here buy them 5$ a seed but im letting it grow for about 1 or 2more months and started lst and it is branching grate! oh and the topped ones took a bit of time to root but now there growing too :D and it turns out the money i used could only pay for half the equipment (its a start) but i used 40$ on cfl's and there in different spectrums i plan on from what i've seen they will harvest me at least 2-3oz a plant dried!