help: flushing with molasses?

Active Member
Hi all,

I'm not really a newb at growing but I've never heard of flushing?

I was always of the school that your plants would only be as good as their heritage but perhaps I'm wrong?

can you please explain to me the process of flushing with molasses and to what end result is expected?

I have read it is to be done the last 2 weeks to 10 days before harvest and that's about it.

thanks in advance.

ps. i did try and search but the return was overwhelming and nothing looked to satisfy my questions.


Well-Known Member
useing molasses at the end of the harvest gives the plant simple sugars that it can use to dense up the buds abit and i personally think it makes a sweeter smoother smoke iv had it add anywhere from 5%-25% more bud weight depends on the strain i hear corn syrup is equally as good


Well-Known Member
well u really should use the molasses throughout the whole flowering process i used mine up till the last week then flushed with plain water.. flushing just simply means using plain water the last 2 weeks to get all the nutes/chemicals outta ur buds gl! and yeah the molasses does help imo


Well-Known Member
how much molasses you guys use and is it every watering??

and do u only use molasses or u feed nutes in early flowering?


Well-Known Member
I use molasses at the third week of flowering at 2 tablespoons per gallon of water usually mixed with my nutrient cocktail. I use it as a feed with nutrients + molasses and alternate with a straight water with vitamin b1 ( so basically using it every other watering). I use molasses till the end of harvest. The last ten days before I chop I use clearex + molasses + water.


Well-Known Member
nice im gonna try using molassess on next grow i might do it like you and mix with nutes

Active Member
Thanks again all. I'm growing outside and lately we're getting too much rain. I guess I can add some mol to the mix.

curious if anybody uses a little salt (not the food kind but epsoms) ... and when? I usually add it around flowering time and I usually stop fertilizing / chemicals shortly after they begin to flower.

however I live on a river and there are certain weeds that where they grow the pot grows very well. Conveniently enough these weeds which I don't know by any other name are called (around here) sting weed. and boy does it ever. anyway that soil may already be rich with the necessary nutrients.

the only cure known to us for this extremely painful weed is to take the soil in which it grows and make it into mud and rub it on the effected area.

probably more than you ever wanted to know but I have always found it interesting.

there are tales that the local Indian tribes used to strip white men naked and throw them into the patches as a means of torture and I have no doubt to its effectiveness. :)
