Help! First time grow

JP Donovan

New Member
image.jpeg image.jpeg Hi everyone, some help would really be appreciated.This is my first time growing and I seem to be having some issues…The strain is purple kush and its about 3 months old, I'm using regular dirt, the only nutes I've used are fish tank water (for n) and homemade potash from boiled banana peels. Anyway, my plants foliage seems to be dying. The edges of all the leaves are turning brown and the bottom leaves have little brown spots.



Active Member
Why is your plant so small for being 3 months old? It should be almost full grown and ready for cycle...

Secondly, you are using fish tank water.. I've thought about this myself seeing as I have an 80 gal full of cichlids pooping constantly, however, you dont really know the concentration of the nitrogen and what else you are giving the plant.

Im seeing tiny lil yellowish edges starting on the leaves in your first pic. Either over watering, or too many nutes as far as i know, and the leaf tips curling down would also confirm the overwatering.

If i were you.. I would just let the plant do its thing for awhile, leave it alone, let it bounce back and when you start seeing some more rapid growth and difference in the leaf behaviour, start back with water/nutes, and maybe use nutes you know the concentrations of.

Cant really tell how moist your substrate is from the pictures, but I sort of wanna say its pretty wet.


Well-Known Member
If those are your plants after 3 months then I suggest you pick up another hobby. I hear adult coloring books are gaining popularity.


Well-Known Member
Youre in bad soil you must be. It's too wet keeping the plant starved. Regular dirt? What's that like you dig a hole in your back yard and potted it up? That's my best guess at your problem


Well-Known Member
Man, if your gonna do this for real you should buy some real soil, i recommend Fox Farms Ocean Forest and some for-real nutes, there are many good brands available.
Miracle Grow ain't much (if any) better than back-yard dirt for our purposes and should be avoided.

*edit* MG will be fine in the early stages so you are fine until it roots up that container, then you should put it in some good soil. Other than that, looks good to me. just keep the light down on it and let it dry out real good between waterings... oh, and keeping a fan on it will strengthen the stem.
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Meracle grow isn't very good for cannibis plants as they use "time release" nutes in their soil and cannibis is an annual plant mostly so it's better to have a soil that has all the nutes avalible to the plants faster.
Your lil plant looks like it's over watered a bit and possible nute burn.


Well-Known Member
There are ways to amend shitty soil. If you get you some for real nutrients you can use just about any soil you want.

The cheapest route is to just get a few bags of Scott's top soil from Wal-Mart and mix it with a generous amount of perlite and peat (preferably coco coir), you gotta tweak the ratios to suit your needs.

If you're willing to water frequently it's kinda hard to add too much perlite as it adds aeration to your mix. The coco/peat retains moisture, and the top soil adds weight, organic matter, and improved cation exchange capacity (definitely Google CEC.

With ffof soil you don't have to fertilize as much, if at all. They're expensive because they take care to balance nute ratios. Imo it's a bit excessive unless you intend to grow organic (in which case you should look into subcool's supersoil). And it's good if you don't want to get your hands dirty.

I'm all about diy shit, and like to have my soil at a very airy consistency. And I rely on my nutes.

Research research research!! Until you can't think of anything else to Google. I have read books and articles and forums and everything I could get my hands on about botany, plant physiology, soil biology, mycology.. The list goes on and on, and I'm still learning every day. Experiment but still use the resources available to you.