-Help- Female? Too early to tell?


Active Member
So here's the problem. I'm trying to sex this plant but am getting mixed signals. I know where to look for pistils (at the nodes of each branch) but all i am finding at the nodes are small, 2-leaf growths and no sex organs. The leaf growths look like pear shapes with 2 pistils coming out, but I'm not convinced as it looks nothing like pictures ive seen here. I think they are just young leaves. Every node is growing these 2 leaves but none of them are showing pre-flowers. If anyone has any input as to what the hell is going on with this plant, please speak up.
I am now 9 days into flowering on 12/12.

Would reducing the light to 10/14 help it flower faster?

Check out the pics and tell me what you think. If you need me to take clearer pictures or a picture of a specific part of the plant, let me know and i will.

Thanks in advance guys. You all are great!



Well-Known Member
i cant really tell from those pics... looks like new leaf growth to me though... and unless you are an experienced grower i recommend you not play games with your lighting cycles at all. stick to what works till you have some grows under your belt.