HELP! Dying plant. Purple stems yellow droopy leaves in DWC.

Ok, so i have had these 4 plants in soil and 2 in hydro dwc (1 5 gallon bucket for each plant with single circular airstone at bottom) since dec 1.
3 of them are super silver haze and 3 of them are lavender and they have all been looking decent except for one of the hydroponic ones.

it is super silver haze and it looks sick. the main stem is purple, unlike the main stems of the same strain that are in soil.

the lavender in hydro looks not so good either but i figure i can fix it however i fix the ssh if i can...

on the plants in soil, is there anything wrong with the discoloring of the leaves? most of the larger leaves look like that on the ssh. the lavender looks a tad yellowed,

i am using Earth Juice Sween & Heavy at a little over half strength.

please, diagnose and help. my yield depends on you.

let me know if you need any more info please

sorry for the sporadic typing. i am very manic at the moment. thank you for lookin :) bongsmilie


oh. and the very sick one the one i am most worried about is also showing very stunted growth. she has hardly grown at all since i put her in while her sisters of the same strain have grown 3-4 inches.
her bottom leaves are very tiny and she has not grown in girth at all


Well-Known Member
i kinda have the same problem but my leaves are turning purple and stems and leaves are also kinda yellow but only the fan leaves and the purple is going to the nodes and i'm pretty sure the leaves aren't supposed to be purple (like this especially)


Well-Known Member
Magnesium for the yellowing potassium for the purple stems although sometimes stems are just purple. but to solve the mag i usually use Epsom salt but i grow in dirt it should work for dwc though as its water soluble I'm just not certain on how much to use. I use 1tblsp per gallon of water though i would expect it to be less for you considering it will be more redily available to the plant but you should notice a difference withing a day


Well-Known Member
Magnesium for the yellowing potassium for the purple stems although sometimes stems are just purple. but to solve the mag i usually use Epsom salt but i grow in dirt it should work for dwc though as its water soluble I'm just not certain on how much to use. I use 1tblsp per gallon of water though i would expect it to be less for you considering it will be more redily available to the plant but you should notice a difference withing a day

i've got a potassium pill that i got from my grandfather would that work or should i get a different type of potassium?


heres the drill.....

you didnt mention your ph so I can assume you dont have a PH meter or you wouldnt have this problem since its a deficiency not a toxicity .... and even 50 ppm of nutes can feed dwc systems so im assume its not over but under nourished.....

the problem lies in how hydro and soil differ in the the way they absorb nutrients

hydro locks out or slows uptake of nutes in a solution of lower than 5.5 and higher than 6.3
while soil prefers a 6.5-7.0 range

you have many lock outs considering how a nutrient solution in dwc can swing so fast considering the absorption rate of plants increses with size

without proper PH and PPM meters its hard to stay on a precise level with plants it may be drinking water to fast and leaving lots of nutes in the lower levels of water making it have a acidic solution with too much nutes. hindering absorption.

ph goes up and ec goes down means you need more nutes
ph goes down and ec goes up means you have too much nutes
ph stays the same and so does EC means your have achieved perfection....

staying on top of this in dwc can be challenging awhen the plant gets large and drinks a gallon a day