Help!!! Does my grow room have enough light !?

Jake k

New Member
Hello! First grow here ! I have a 6.5x6.5x 7 room trying to grow ten plants ! I've been using 3 400w apollo Mh lights spread evenly in my room . And 400 w hps for flowing . I got ok veg growth but the more I read the more I realized maybe it wasn't the greatest as some people can get up to 3 inches on a good day of growth and i got nothing like that . When i flowered I got loose airy buds and not even close to .5g per w. Overall big waste of time and money . I had tempsture problems, bugs even with intake and outtake fans and multiple fans just circulating air because it was so hot upwards to 90 degrees sometimes . So i got rid of it all and decided to try LED out . I got 3 800 w king led double chipped , and wondering should this provide better lighting for my next grow or if lighting was even a problem from the start ? for ten plants in the same room ? I know my heat problem will be gone at least but the actual power w is 180 w being used , so does that mean I just got 3 lights that are basically as powerful as one 400 Mh?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your lighting was perfect to start with. Heat can be a mother fucker sometimes. If it were me id use 2 400 w mh and 2 of your new led. AC is your true obstacle. Im using the 400w cooltube and i gotta say theres not much difference heatwise in it and my 2 300w blurple leds. Big yields come from perfectly dialed in environments. Lights is 1 of many factors and it only takes 1 of them to be off to cost you your big yield


Well-Known Member
those cheap LEDS will give you less light and a poorer spectrum. what you need is A/C and to work on your nutes and growing skills. their is no magic light that will make an inexperienced grower and expert. but there are a lot of con-men trying to sell high priced junk.growing is an art as well as a science and it takes time to learn


Well-Known Member
Hello! First grow here ! I have a 6.5x6.5x 7 room trying to grow ten plants ! I've been using 3 400w apollo Mh lights spread evenly in my room . And 400 w hps for flowing . I got ok veg growth but the more I read the more I realized maybe it wasn't the greatest as some people can get up to 3 inches on a good day of growth and i got nothing like that . When i flowered I got loose airy buds and not even close to .5g per w. Overall big waste of time and money . I had tempsture problems, bugs even with intake and outtake fans and multiple fans just circulating air because it was so hot upwards to 90 degrees sometimes . So i got rid of it all and decided to try LED out . I got 3 800 w king led double chipped , and wondering should this provide better lighting for my next grow or if lighting was even a problem from the start ? for ten plants in the same room ? I know my heat problem will be gone at least but the actual power w is 180 w being used , so does that mean I just got 3 lights that are basically as powerful as one 400 Mh?
90+ temps will create lots of issues, airy buds being one. You were better off reducing light and thus plant count to the point where you could maintain temps. You could try mix and matching the leds but I personally would not. Out side temps are getting colder now so using two or three of the hps lights will be more efficient for temp control. Don't be put off by thinking more plants means more yield, it's entirely subjective to your setups limitations. You may well (infact I guarantee you will) get better yields running two lights and two to four plants that are trained properly with correct temps/feeding. If you upgrade your airflow you then may increase light thus plant count. I would personally say stay away from AC if you can, it's in many cases I see used as a band aid for a terrible setup.

Your first goal should be ensuring you are using the biggest in/out take possible, you should not need AC to run a few 400's if ran over night time. From then, be it winter or summer, figure out how many lights you can maintain for the given airflow/season.
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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
AC is just one more way to ensure proper environment and in no way a band aide, but yes if you can get away with out it perfect re ventilation.