Help,DO i have a Hermi?


Well-Known Member
LOL. Its not worth the hassle. If you miss just one it can pollinate your whole crop, if you have more plants growing... if not, I don't know man, I wouldn't waste my time.


Well-Known Member
i choped down a hermie a few days ago and im actually getting high off it. i say hang it up and dry it. at least save it for hash


Well-Known Member
i was thinkin..since its the "balls" that pollinate females...would it help at all to pluck them off? im sure ya that would be a tedious task..but is it gonna help out at all..


Well-Known Member
Being that the plant went hermie on you this early in bud the chances of ending up with large female buds are slim,most likely a sausage fest with some hair on it.

If you dont have any other plants nearby or if you have another area to isolate it then fuk it,let that fuker ride & see how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
i was thinkin..since its the "balls" that pollinate females...would it help at all to pluck them off? im sure ya that would be a tedious task..but is it gonna help out at all..
Your plant isnt an induced hermie (stress, light leaks, etc) Its genetic. Even if you cut off the balls it might just grow more. Genetic hermies are a lot worse then induced hermies, They can pop up random male flowers anytime.

I would chop it down and move on.
