HELP dehydrated white rhino


Well-Known Member
hi again ive just put my 3 week old 6 inch plants under a 125 cfl yesterday and new they needed watering (but they looked fine) when ive went to look at them 24 hours later there very, very droopy but still green, the soil was bone dry, ive gave them a good watering and plan on repoting tomorrow.

do you think they will bounce back? i know it is defintly off lack of water and like i say they looked ok yesterday, thanks for any help :cry:


Active Member
Yes they will recover and they are young so not a disaster. All sorts of bad things happen to plants when they dry out- remember as salty liquid dries the salt content in the remaining liquid increases.
They will bounce back, they could bounce back in like 30 minutes, or it could take a day or 2 depending on how stressed it is. also, and this is only a personal opinion, but i would wait a couple days before repotting them and the transplant will shock them a lil bit. get them looking healthy real quick and then repot them. good luck!