Help choozing a light fuxture for 1000w hps


I need help in deciding what kind of HID light fixture to get. I will be running 2 x 1000w. Problem is I live far away and shipping costs for Air cooled fixtures is huge. I have been quoted 600 US dollars just for shipping one Radiant 6 air cooled light to me from greners :(. The fixture is just 110$ in price. I can go without air cooled fixtures as I have an 2 tonne AC split unit in the grow room. My questions are

1. Coz of the shipping costs I have started looking at open fixtures like Adjust a Wing and xatrsun Alumunium wing. They are lighter and shipping seems to be cheaper. Will they be good enough for a 4 x 4 area coverage per 1000w?

2. Is it safe to use an MH or HPS bulb in open fixtures? Is there any chance of bulbs blowing up or failing coz of moisture in grow room if fixture aint sealed? Can the bulb cause burns if its accidentally touched while working on plants?

There are no good fixtures available locally and no other choice than importing something from USA or UK.

Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Hiya m8, if you have got even a little bit of D.I.Y. skills you could probably build a Air-cooled Hood or Cool-Tube(If you got a hardware store local or a Wallmart OR FleaBay)...think they're may be some tutorials floating around..That sucks and the price of PnP to where you are though? I take it its the weight of the glass and size of parcel that make it so expensive?? I haven't had the Funds to get a Cool tube yet(Though getting 1 a.s.a.p.) so at the mo, I've just got a 6" fan hanging(Firing right at) the Hps/Mh heat round the bulb at all...well not till your hand is about 3" away.



EDIT: Yeah DON'T TOUCH BULB IT WILL BE VERY *HOT* and grease spots from hands,fingers can cause a HOT spot and the bulb can Blow I believe..could be wrong...But DON'T TOUCH when on...if you like your skin the way it is...LOL


IF you handle Bulb when screwing into fitting..wipe down carefully with a dry clean cloth.

Again Peace



Well-Known Member
Hiya skinnyboy, forgot to say with Cool-Tubes and such I think you lose like 10% of Lumens OR something like that..But the Bonus really is the Bulb is incased(Safer) and can be Air-Cooled and the Hot Air exhausted from GR or Tent...though have also read some peeps just pull it away from the bulb via ducting and fan and just re-circulate round the room(If its a COLD climate or Basement..whatever) but these Guys still had a main Carbon filter/Fan/Exhaust system running too.



By-The-By I also have read a lot of posts, threads where its stated that the 600w is like the sweet spot when it comes to Electric usage - Lumens + you can use more of em for greater light spread...