help a poor noob

uber noob

Active Member
help i am a new grower,and dont really know what ia doing.
i have a nft system just need to know why my plants that keep getting dry yellow leaves and low yield
here are some stats
my plants are clones
temp : 75 to 85 f
humidity :40 % (my night time can be 75%)
strenth : 16
ph :6.1
12 hrs light

need to know whats best water temp and what night time humid/temp is best


Well-Known Member
room temp is best for water, try to keep your temps between 75-80 as 85 causes heat stress. humidity im not really sure, i dont have a problem with that. my problem is too dry so i end up sprayin her.


Well-Known Member
yur temps sound fine only thign i can think of is nut burn. What is yur redervoir like? How far along are yur plants. Tell us more. Nice setup it sounds like, can we have pictures?


New Member
I to run a nft i would hold back on the nuits and a top tip from me is to get some kind of air into the tank, growell have good pumps i sit mine near my pump they always seem to love it, you could also turn down your pump just have a small trickle coming out and change your water every 2 weeks atleast, a trunchin is also very good to work out whats in the tank, people make the mistake of keep toping up the tank but you dont know whats still in the tank, i do 1 top up with feed, then a top up with water, seems to work, at the end try stuff called 13/14 its a flower boost and must only be used once 3 weeks before harvest, i have used this stuff for about 7/8 years its very good, see growell site, also clean your pump atleast once a week, hope this helps, welcome from scotland,