Help! 2nd wk of flowering and i think ive got probs


Ok. Ive got a plant ive grown from a bag seed. I let it veg 90 days. Round day 60 I transplanted to a 5 gal bucket wit lots of air and drain holes. Using FFOF for soil and earth juice for nutes.
It was going great till about a wk before flower.
Started getting purple stems on fan leaves and the lower fan leaves turned a dark green with a dry papery feeling. They had a little necrosis on some leaves. The smell was very strong.
When I started my flowering( 12/12, 1000wt hps)
The smell almost disappeared and the purple got worse. Got purple streaks on main stock and on ALL stems. The bud growth is actually doing ok. At least it looks ok but now ive got two dead fan leaves (turned yellow and dried up) and ine got a lot of brown on leaves throughout the plant.
The plant is about 3-4ft and very bushy.
Im lost and dont know what to do! I did flush last night and am lwtting it dry. Ph is6.8