Help 2 plants fully yellow other 6 fine 3 weeks flowering


also when u say flush is that just plan water , and do u just water it like a litre or do u run heaps of water thew it ?sorry im new lol thanks for all the help so far tho


Well-Known Member
Cut the feeds totally. keep them on water and give them a good flush. Always water to 30 percent runoff until the ph gets better 6.8 is best for organics. (although there is some debate on this matter).

Wait until they start to recover probably a week or two and then see if any deficiencies have manifested. If they do wait before fixing because as you slowly raise the ph of the soil different nutrients will become unavailable. You will see all kinds of different deficiencies and you dont need to worry about every one until the ph is correct and the EC is at a reasonable level.

I hope this helps.



Well-Known Member
Plain water unless your ph is too high rather than too low or your plain water is above 7-7.2. Ideally you want to keep ph adjusters to a minimum when flushing because they can build up in the soil.

Ideally all water should be left for 24 hours to allow the chlorine to evaporate.

I would put enough in to get a reading on each of your plants for ec and ph.

Flushing is putting 3-5 times the volume of the container in water through the pot to leach nutrients. It is stressful for the plant but sometimes necessary.

We will find out how bad your problem is when you post up your readings.

You basically flush then continue to water to 30 percent runoff until the readings look sexy !

I personally always water to 30 percent runoff to keep the media clean of salt buildup. House and garden nutrients also have a drip clean product which when used from the beginning of growth almost stops salt build up dead. I use it in hand watering soil and swear by it.

Yet again these are just my opinions so take em or leave em ;)



ok thanks ill give that a go and see wat happens will post new pictures nexxt week ,have u herd of tieing the brunches down a little on the brushie plants so more lite gets in , will this help?


Well-Known Member
Wont fix the soil and issues but it is a valid technique for maximising growth and light spread. You will find these techniques on the forums under LST or low stress training. There are also other techniques for maximising growth such as supercropping but these are sometimes risky and I would not attempt unless you garden is 100% happy and healthy.

Your soil issues are priority number uno my man !

Until they are fixed forget everything else because the basics are more important.



Well-Known Member
Just spread them out using string to maximise the light, youll get the knack just takes time and practice. They can bend a bit but the inside of the stalk will break before the outside you can hear it crack. Be careful when doing this in flowering. The snapping of the inside without breaking the outside is known as supercropping and will create a thick nodule on the stalk that will spread upwards and downwards eventually thickening the stalk along almost its whole length but I would never do this past week 2 of flower unless I had a really good reason (e.g. one head sticking way above the rest to get a more even canopy).

Give the lst a shot be gentle and just spread them out. Bend any taller ones over so the smaller ones have a chance to catch up. Ideally you should tie them as little as possible but provide the maximum impact with the ties you do make.

Then later in flower once you have evened the canopy out (week 4/5) remove all bindings and let them spring up :)

These are my personal methods and they are not proven or endorsed by anyone but myself so take them with a pinch of salt and find your own way :)



Well-Known Member
Mouse, great advice although you should always flush and water at pH7 other wise you will not be able to read runoff very accuratly neither raise it correctly in a flush.

I could water acidic soil at pH8 and get runoff of 6.3 and think my soils ok but in reallity if i watered at pH7 and got runoff of 5.1 then i would easily be able to see a problem. Peace