Help: 1 plant, 1000hps, big yield---


Just like the title says, im going to start a indoor grow, im.using my garage so space is not an issue, I have a 1000 watt hps light I just bought and I wont to only grow 1 plant this time around and try to get the biggest yield I possibly could. So I was wondering how will I do that? Im to be using soil this time and im going to make a 5x5x2.5 size container for the plant to be inside, im going to be using fox farm soil unless you recommend some other brand. And im wondering what type of strain do you recommed for this grow? A strain that I can completely max out in size I wont really wide and bushy plant about 5-7 ft tall max but in wideness no limit as wide as possible preferably, and wht type of nutes to use during veg and flower. Would extending the veg stage to around 3 months increase size? I need help on maxxing this out to beyond the limit! Thankss:-)