Helmet Head Help

Remove the shell?

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Well-Known Member
All six of my new seeds have sprouted, in the last 48 hours, and they all have helmet head - without prying they seem to be pretty tightly attatched to the sprout. (Feminized Trainwreck and Moby Dick, if it matters) I've searched the forum and it seems divided about 50/50 what to do about this. Remove 'em, or let 'em go? I would greatly appreciate it, if some of the more experienced growers would lend their opinion on this - I don't want to lose these babies! Also - if you guys recomend leaving it, how long can it be left for, before potentially damaging the seedling? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
dont force them off gently gentl when ready to come off it will on its own but you can encourage it to do so

not planting deep enough try a little deeper and tamp dirt down a little over seed before watering

when seedd is pushing through dirt will lose helmet on way you feel me

luck to you my brother


New Member
dont force it off.
damage will be caused.
it will fall of when its ready and its best not to be touching it or stressing it.
usually a good spray of water on the shell helps speed things up.
(good luck).
