
CountryCowFreakJr here...son of the original country cowfreak...I am assisting in growing... I enjoy humor...playing guitar...gaming...and passing time with a joint and friends...wanting to get to know people on this forum so don't be afraid to say hi :D
Thank you DeeTee! Happy to be here. I know I'm still kinda new to the whole marijuana thing. But cowfreak senior has been giving me tons of crash courses. So I think I'm in good hands :D. And hopefully I will get more experience and knowledge here at RIU!
Thank you everyone. I appreciate the welcomes I have been receiving :D. So far, I must say, this site has been very informative to me and am having a good time talking to the people on it. I am trying to post as frequently as possible, but like we all know, schedules and time can be restricting. Nice to meet you all :D