
Hello everyone,

I've been reading a lot of your threads and have become
very informed, now if I could just get one of my kids to
move out so I could have a nice big grow room! LoL!
I guess for now I'm just trying to get information on
making hash, and one other thing, I smoke a pipe, does
anyone know how to process the tar/resin that builds up
in the pipe to make it easier smoke?


Well-Known Member
You can clean resin using this method :)


Active Member
Hey killer, if it's a glass pipe then you can just soak it in 90% rubbing alcohol solution. Gets resin off finger also :)
Thanks, but it's not the cleaning of my pipe I'm concerned with. I smoke the resin that builds up in the chamber, but it can be messy as well as wasteful (the way I smoke it anyway), so was just wondering if there was a way to "boil" all the water out of it and make it more smoker friendly if you know what i mean.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, but it's not the cleaning of my pipe I'm concerned with. I smoke the resin that builds up in the chamber, but it can be messy as well as wasteful (the way I smoke it anyway), so was just wondering if there was a way to "boil" all the water out of it and make it more smoker friendly if you know what i mean.

Do that to your resin, it WILL CLEAN IT.


Well-Known Member
You can also just heat it up in an oven or microwave oven(NOT Microwave). Are you just trying to solidify the resin?

Just bake it at 290...
Maybe you can go higher, I'd look it up...

Or let it sit in the sun...
Or vape it THEN smoke it, you can get high twice like that with resin :D