Hello, new girl is here :)


Hello, I'm a student from Northern Europe.

It's a funny thing, I was sort of thrown into this all growing stuff without asking me first. A month ago my boyfriend decided to grow weed.Reasons? We're not a keen smokers, but when it comes to parties, it's fun to have a smoke with friends. But.. we don't know any growers personally and when we buy from street we usually don't know what we're buying and we end up with crappy weed and empty wallet. So, the best idea was to grow our own.

And one day (two weeks ago) he brought to my place an old pc box which was shining and thrumming and had life in it. Woohoo, I'm left in charge and he rarely shows his face here. Also, he doesn't give me any information and I am the one who's doing researches on growing our precious plant.

I'd appreaciate as much help as possible :D
Here's my first baby:


Well-Known Member
Looking good Apidome! Lowlife is a good strain of autos and does well with appropriate care.....have patience in watering, keep temps in the zone as much as possible. What lights are you using? 20/4 is perfect for autos. When it sexes, it should start explosive growth according to energy and nutrients available. Keep us posted.


Thanks, Oldfreefer :) My lights are 3x 21w CFL, 2700k spectrum. 20/4 as offered by breeder. I'm really afraid of that explosive growth and need a piece of advice on managing it with this small space I've got


Well-Known Member
LST or low stress traing. THIs is to keep them low. YOu basically tie the branches down as they grow to keep it short. Should be a few good threads here that will explain it to you in depth. How much do you know about growing? And you boy friend is a douche.


EvolAlex --> I know as much as I've managed to find out during last few weeks. I know the basics, but I don't know the details. For instance, I know that there are methods such as see of green SOG or screen of green ScrOG or low stress traing LST to keep the plants lower. But I'm not pretty sure how to do it and what can I expect with an autoflowering strain from such methods. I've already hooked my plant - started lst'ing it. But I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly and how to keep it low. I know that people trim fan leaves, but which ones are fan and how to do it correctly and when is the right time and OMG thousands of things I don't know :D
EvolAlex --> I know as much as I've managed to find out during last few weeks. I know the basics, but I don't know the details. For instance, I know that there are methods such as see of green SOG or screen of green ScrOG or low stress traing LST to keep the plants lower. But I'm not pretty sure how to do it and what can I expect with an autoflowering strain from such methods. I've already hooked my plant - started lst'ing it. But I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly and how to keep it low. I know that people trim fan leaves, but which ones are fan and how to do it correctly and when is the right time and OMG thousands of things I don't know :D
Do not trim no leaves.As long as you are tieng branches down so other branches could get light you are doing it right..Make a thread post pics and you will more help


Well-Known Member
Do not trim no leaves.As long as you are tieng branches down so other branches could get light you are doing it right..Make a thread post pics and you will more help
As widow said don't trim the leaves. LST is pretty easy bend her over tie her down. she will turn back to the light in no time. KEep doing it as ti grows out. ALso al wido said start a thread in noobie section or indoor growing and you will get a lot of help. Main things to know are watering it, feeding it nutes, not over feeding it nutes, temps., humidity, and cleanliness. YOu don't want bugs.

BTW fan leaves are the big leaves that stick out.


Woah you got put into a good hobby GL and welcome to RIU you will learn what you need to know here lots of knowledge


Well-Known Member
My first question is do you have a closet you can put the plant in or does it have to stay in the case? If you can move it out of the case, no more problem. If it stays in the case you need to LST. You can tie the branches with wool, string what ever you have but don't use thread as it will cut the plant. Start gradual and every day a little more, if you snap the plant just splint it with cardboard and tape, not to tight, just enough to support the plant. In 5 to 7 days it will grow a knuckle and you can remove the splint. Don't cut anything off the plant, you don't need to.

Nice plant bad boyfriend


Well-Known Member
I agree, bad move for your bf to dump such an important and time consuming project all on you...but the jokes on him because you're gonna have a lot of fun with it, you'll get to know our lovely community, you'll learn one of the most important/practical life skills out there, and at the end you'll have a nice free reward to smoke. :)

welcome to riu, always nice to see another female on here. talk your galpals into growing


Thank you all for such a nice and warm welcome :)

woodsmaneh!--> I have a closet, but I guess it's not enough. What about ventilation? I think I would need to make a hole in my closets and a hole in my furniture is not what I want. Or am I wrong?


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for such a nice and warm welcome :)

woodsmaneh!--> I have a closet, but I guess it's not enough. What about ventilation? I think I would need to make a hole in my closets and a hole in my furniture is not what I want. Or am I wrong?

Put it in the closet and leave the door open when the light is on, the door only needs to be open a little bit with a small fan blowing gently on the plant. I would set it up so the light is on during the day and it will be harder to notice. You don't need to cut any holes, just leave the closet open a crack and at night when the light is off close the door. So when you get up in the morning leave it open and close when the light goes out.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU! Like the other folks already mention and like you'll soon find out, growing is a fun and rewarding hobby. I'm a lot like you guys. Not a heavy smoker, but I do enjoy a joint or two here and there on the weekends or sometimes during the week after a long day. Over the past year, however, I've become extremely interested in growing. You'll know what I mean if you stick with it and in a few months when you're at the hardware store looking for a new lawn mower or something and the next thing you know you find yourself standing in the gardening section or the lighting department, haha.
Welcome to RIU! Like the other folks already mention and like you'll soon find out, growing is a fun and rewarding hobby. I'm a lot like you guys. Not a heavy smoker, but I do enjoy a joint or two here and there on the weekends or sometimes during the week after a long day. Over the past year, however, I've become extremely interested in growing. You'll know what I mean if you stick with it and in a few months when you're at the hardware store looking for a new lawn mower or something and the next thing you know you find yourself standing in the gardening section or the lighting department, haha.