Hello,I feel I should introduce myself. I might have offended a few here.


Howdy all! first I dont want anyone to think that I am one of those know-it all types who dismissed other peoples opinons.
When I found this site I was hoping to gain a bit more insight on how to test for potency, so I could better help those who have to eat there medince.
After reading thru some of the posts, I found that some that were asking for help because that were first time growers, Which is a great idea, but in reading the responses, I realized that most people are more then happy to give there opinons, which is good, but almost No one asks them what part of country they live in. Which is very important.
If your growing outside you have to keep in mind when the last freeze of the year is, And of course the first freeze of the year is even more imprtant.
Now second most important part of growing is the nutrients you use to feed. Never add your nutrients to your bucket first, Always fill your bucket with water first.
Now if your growing inside, WATCH OUT for spider mites!, Clean grow room thoroughly, sweep, dust,and spray walls with a deluded bleach solution before you even put your seedling or anyother growing plant inside room. they can attack your plants and suck all the life out of them.. Very hard to get rid of,, Baby shampoo works well, Be sure to spray the plant under the leafs,, it wont kill them if you just spray the top of leafs, they build there nests and lay their eggs on the underside of the leafs.
Don't over water! in the early growing stages 1 cup of water in morning and one cup at night is more then enough, if kept to wet, moisture builds up and next thing you know you have mold , gnats, and root rot or even worse root lock. Root lock is when your leafs start getting yellowing leafs, brown spots, and dying tips of the leafs. Best thing to do there is to FLUSH IT with Filtered water, Using ground water causes hard water calcium build up, it can be hard to see,,, but trust me it does.
Last but not least!
No one just plants their cannabis seeds, feed and water and produce Cannabis Cup winners their first year of growing, Unless they were blessed by the Hemp Gods,,, lmao.
It is a process that can take years to perfect.
I dont believe in spending big bucks to learn to grow, all your doing is paying for someones opinion and lining their pockets with money.
I grow quality medical cannabis from clones and seeds, And I have never spent a dime on seeds, clones yes,,, seeds no.
I use good mexican swag seeds and spare no money on nutrients . Now I dont know if it is a coincidence or what, but I turn out Kush, indica and sativa, and its one hitter quiter, of course I pull my clones from the mother plants and keep my strains going.
So I dont know if this info helps any of you, Hopefully it will and remember " Don't over think it! it's a weed,,,, it will grow. :-)
Time , experimentation,a open mind and before long you will be on your way to growing your own high quality Cannabis and passing what you have learned over the years on to the next generation of Medical Cannabis Grows.