Hello from the Rainy Pacific NorthWest

Tar Mac

Hello everyone I just joined to gain as much knowledge as I can. Emailed California lights works for their grower feedback program was told it was is in effect so I fill out the online form. Hope I'm picked I'm just glad it's still available. I'm here to gain a lot from others. I like to grow all types of vegetables & I've finally took the steps to grow cannabis. I'm use to outdoor growing going by what Mother Nature lets me...especially in Pacific Northwest. But i want to try an indoor set that i can have year round. I'm planning on building an indoor grow either a 2x2 or 3x3 but I'm going to limit myself to 3 plants maybe 4 because the indoor grow also has to share their rooms with some veggies (bell pepper, tomatoe ect idk yet) & more importantly keep my 3 bonsai alive through winter. I've been looking at a lot of grow tents most seem built decent. I have the money for the tent but I'm going to limit myself to 130 because idk how much shipping is gonna be. I'm going to place most focus in the genetics for a great plant I'm in it for the long run quality over quantity. Another reason it took me a while to make the step. Both markets to me in the cannabis & garden world have been over flooded. Cheap products for a quick buck. This site seem strong I've been looking from the dark for years now. Venting, heating & cooling I'm going to go to home depo only due Because i have credit there So for my starting point what are your inputs on grow tents. Some I can right away tell their not built right others not soo much. The gorilla tents seem like an expensive GMC I'm not planing on buying one because I love to grow outdoors more but I want a tent that's built good all around. Your guys input

hello to everyone again


Active Member
Hope you get selected, those Solar Flares are wicked.
Saw the guy at my local grow shop ordered a 1000w for a local grower, im green with envy.

Tar Mac

today is my day off so I went out to the shed to clean up the area I measured out a 2x2 & 3x3. didn't take me long to go with the 3x3. Now as I wait for an email back, ive decided to go with some sort of indica from the tga family. Back in high school of 08 i use to re-read a book over and over by subcool called Dank. Not a lot of people place that much research and open information back to the public another reason im going with clw & tga as my starter because of the background information they provide back and years of research. It don't matter if i'm pick or not by clw for the gfp I am going with that company.

thanks HeadieNugz
a good afternoon to everyone on here

Tar Mac

I've been emailing Brandon at California Light works asking about what plants they were using for in-house testing. &I got an email yesturday that I got picked for the GFP Just responded back. Lets see how long for a reply. Now i gotta make up my mind for the grow tent...and fast. I didnt think it was gonna be fast but in anycase I one of the 3 cannabis will be a clone from a dispensary then the other 2 seed.

Tar Mac

So I'll prbly have a few more post on just this site for a while and will start the grow journal at LEDgrowlightforum.com or maybe start one here too. I was however be using this site throughout the grow for help advice and tips. I got the invoice paid and I ended up going with a 3x3 by GrowDen. I didn't find most grow tents come with warranty but this one came with 5 yrs. The solar storm has 3 yrs and with TGA genes. I hope I have a good start both the tent and light were ordered today. I plan on having 3 cannabis plants but I planted 4 in case something happens. I have 2 deep purple by TGA and 2 bag seeds I saved over the years. Plus My veggie clan.

sooo excitied =)

My TGA picked 2 and then spend a while to pick from the bag seeds collection

the canni ladies with my veggies girl

I'll be keeping a grow journal to take notes 2morrow Ill buy one for this right i'm using my leftover notebook from last quarter
photo 3.jpg

The whole pose in the dome with a heat pad, I have the light on to help with the camera. but In case the light takes longer then expected i have a few clf to help keep the plants on track
photo 4.jpg
Like a little girl right now this is my first legit grow.

Tar Mac

this will be my last post in this section I have moved over to the indoor grow section but i will ask your help for ventilation for my 3x3x6.5 grow tent most of the fans have a rating of 200 cfm+ seems over kill which leaves me with this will a 4'' suncourt in-line duct fan and a viagrow carbon filter of 22-44 cfm work for my set up?
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