Height Restricted Growing


Active Member
I have a pretty small grow area, 1 1/2 feet deep, 3 feet long, 2 - 2 1/2 feet tall. How hard is it to keep plants from seeds this short? I am eventually moving and am setting up a much better area, but I want to start with something small to learn a little bit before i go bigger. I'm not necessarily going for yield this time around, just tryin to learn.

I have two plants from seeds i found in bags i bought. one is about 7 weeks into veg growth and is pretty much to the top, around a foot tall, i started to tie it down to keep it from growing taller, and i topped it. the second is about 4 weeks in and around 6 inches tall. i am training the second one to grow in a kind of spiral shape to keep its height down.

is it too late for the older plant? is it going to take over my space?

again this is my first grow ever and i have a poor set up i know, im just trying to get a background.

I will get some pictures up in 2 days, as i am not near my grow right now. a friend is taking care if it while i am out of town.

thanks in advance. its 4:20, time for my nightly joint, goodnight all.


Well-Known Member
Be hard to keepm them that small on a first grow, there are methods you could use like tieing them down and topping them but on a first grow I would suggest in that space you use something like lowryder which will grow only about a foot or a foot in a half giving you room for lights above etc.


Active Member
yea i started tying the tall one down and im trying to train the shorter one. should I start flowering it soon? how much bigger is it going to get when i flower it?