heat problem

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Okay so the area im growing in is about 3x1x2 ft. I have 2 23 wat cool cfls and 2 40 wat bright white. Im about a week into veg i believe. Anyway, I have a fan blowing in there and I have an exhaust fan, but the temperature is still too high. Other than fans, is there anything I can do to keep down the temp? Also, what are some ways to increase humidity that would work for my small area? As of now I just have a small bowl of water in front if the fan. Thanks for the help:peace:


Well-Known Member
i dont think those cfl's can make it that hot but check your temp and see what it is,u might be ok....u can get them cfl's an inch away from plants without burning them so,u know what i mean....

mr j2

Well-Known Member
yeah the lights arent burning the plants, the overall temp of the area is just too high. I have a digital temp/humidity thing but I think the temp. reading it gives is higher than it actually is since i had it in my room and it tried to say it was 80 something. But it says its in the 90s. Maybe ill get a new temp. monitor and see