Heat and Fertilized Damage, should I be happy with results?


Hello Growers! This is my first grow. I bought a Querkle and then two Strawberry Coughs. I quickly burned them when I used my 1000w unenclosed grow light with no exhaust fan!! Hey, I was new to the game. Still common sense told me it was hot, but I left them only to come back to horror. Anyway, I was able to save the Querkle, but it sure took awhile to come around. Then, I overfertilized and got ferminatation from adding molasses. That poor plant. Well, I flushed, didn't water, and then got it back into the thick of things. The subsequent Purple Kush and Hindu Skunks continued to thrive in the "properly lit and ventilated room." The Querkle just kinda hung in there with love and attention. I'm getting ready to harvest and the Querkle is laden with resin but small as heck. I'm asking you experts if I should continue to let it grow or should I be happy with what I have?



Well-Known Member
Leave them go a bit longer then. Remember any shock to the plant will make growth slow down.

Give them some molasses if ya got it. And a light bloom nute if ya can (not more than half strength if that).

I know ya want to flush before harvest but i did a quick search and apparantly its mostly indica strain so ya want more amber in there.


Trim those leaves before it drys or it will be a pain in the arse to get them out later.
Thanks DP. I did and I'm using the leaves for shake. Tonight I'm going to verify the trichs for the Purple Kush and they will be trimmed tonight. Well, hopefully that is.


Active Member
a little bit small for having so much light, heres always next time, and you did get some bud! it takes time, add sugar next time, big help


a little bit small for having so much light, heres always next time, and you did get some bud! it takes time, add sugar next time, big help
Thanks BeefSupreme. Like I said before, this plant was burned almost to death when two other plants actually died. It was over fertilized and it went through fermination. So, to get any bud after nursing her through all of that...I'm thankful. I'm now curing the buds. So far I got 7/8 of an ounce! I also tested the bud...potent.

I know the lady was a little pathetic but it packs a punch with its small package!

So, my other plants are coming in just fine. I'll keep you posted.