Having some issues here.


Well-Known Member
Looks like your tops are dying. What have you changed? What are you using? (soil, nutes, type of water (RO, Distilled, tap water). Brown spots or rust spots are basically dead plant matter (necrosis). This can be caused by nute locks outs, fungus, environment factors.
I would suggest looking at what you have been doing (i.e feed/water regime) see what has changed and then apply a solution to rectify the change you have applied (or the change the environment applied)
Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I clicked on the links gents, they seem okay (the links that is), the pics are in there....


Well-Known Member
i looked at pics. freekin' almost olive drab green. i believe N is one component to this problem. i'm betting water is another.


Active Member
imgur...is a VERY and easy to use image host. I suggest you all use them moving foward very reliable and well regarded in the tech industry.

that being said...my main cola died today


The cab hit 97 yesterday...today I was able to get it down to 90 with fans and windows open...tommo I will put frozen water bottles infront of the passive intake..hoping to cool it another 3-5 degrees...

also looking into AC units....im thinking this can be heat stress....largely the reason for all my issues?


Well-Known Member
imgur...is a VERY and easy to use image host. I suggest you all use them moving foward very reliable and well regarded in the tech industry.

that being said...my main cola died today


The cab hit 97 yesterday...today I was able to get it down to 90 with fans and windows open...tommo I will put frozen water bottles infront of the passive intake..hoping to cool it another 3-5 degrees...

also looking into AC units....im thinking this can be heat stress....largely the reason for all my issues?
alot of problems can be caused by temprature stress but also check your ph before you add anything to fix it ( this looks like necrosis caused by nute lock-out :)