have questions need help please


Active Member
so i got 3 plants about 2'ft tall.. the biggest one has pistils, the second biggest has pistils and like little balls around them.. the smallest has pistols and it looks to be developing those balls around the pistils, but its not as developed as the second plant.. im thinking those two plants w/ pistils and the round things are males.. would i be correct? and is it to late to take those two away from the female? a few other questions if u dont mind.. can i let the female grow bigger before changing the lights to 12/12 or will it hurt the plant?.. and what else to i have to do for flowering.. i heard the plants phosphorous needs to be hire during flowering? yes im a newbe, but i really dont want to screw this up! thanks


Well-Known Member
just read the growfaq section it will tell you everything you need to know. you can flower a plant at any time really but the bigger it is the harder it will be for you to get light penetration all the way to the lower buds


Well-Known Member
yes your correct those 2 plants are males or from the sound of it are hermie..u can puut your one female back into veg as long as it hasn't ben in flowering to long


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
canyou post a pic. from what you r saying souds fine them ballies will swell up. if their is more than two then i would worry about a male