Have I totally messed up my grow?


Well-Known Member
best piece of advice i ever got about growing. when in doubt let nature work it out.sounds like you did something right. wont need much light maybe one cfl and let her alone for a few days, weed is a very hardy plant.couple days you should see something.


Well-Known Member
erm, thanks mantiszn lol. thanks dman, so i should keep it inside the soil, the top part? just thought that without the outer casing, the plant wouldnt be able to pop through the soil, so best to keep top part outside of it?


Well-Known Member
so is it best to keep top part out of soil, to give it maximum light, and so it doesnt need to push through soil? like i said earlier, the outer casing of the seed is already off, and the soft part inside the shell is visible


Well-Known Member
your plant will go to the light like the little girl from poltergiest..lol if it couldnt "push through" the soil how would the roots grow. above or below it will find the ligfht. as i stated LEAVE HER ALONE! plants have been growing long before you and i were here to "help" dont love her to death. peace and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
thanks, hopefully itl be ok now, although latest thing, is, one cotyledon leaf came off the sprout thats on top of the soil, one is still there, and you can see the tiny little leaves are folded inside. theyre green, look healthy etc, that should be ok still, shouldnt it? It will still grow, just maybe more slowly?


Well-Known Member
ive come across a new thing that may be a problem, and need a answer quick if poss :)
i sorted through the compost, to see if i could find the seed, and i found it, but it has germinated, has quite a big white tail, and the outer casing is no longer there, instead, it looks like two ovals, a bit like a bishop on a chess board, with a purple twinge. so i took this out carefully, and planted it nearer the surface, with the white tail pointing downwards, and the part that is slightly purple facing upwards. as it has no outer casing, should i place the purple part above the surface, or just keep it under the soil, near the surface, about half an inch down? typical, ive just ordered another seed, thinking this one wont work lol, ah well, i now have two to play with :)
also, do i put it under lights now, even when its not above the surface, to give heat to the surface of the soil, or not?

yes just bury it with its head just above the surface,it should be fine.
after i germinate my seeds i always place them in soil with the head just above the surface with the seed casing still on,i never put them under the dirt..i have in the past left some seeds to germinate for too long to the point where they completely free themselves from the seed casing,but i just put them in the soil the same way.
you must mist them tho,just a few little sprays every few hours.and do not drench the soil,and dont let it dry out when they are in their first few days of life.
this is what i do and it works for me.


Well-Known Member
one final thing, should i put it under clf lights now, as thats what ive got, or keep it on the windowsill, not under direct light, for a bit longer, like 2 days or so?


Active Member
If the sprout is a candy cane, the purple part is probably at the top of the hook. When the seedling pushes through the soil the very top is bent. Then once it is on top, the small hook will straighten out. So, seeing how this seedling of yours is several days old now, I'd say leave the purple part on top and expose it too light. In other words, you should have an upside down hook poking out of the soil. Just make sure the sprout is buried though. Oh, congrats on finding the seedling. It sounded like you had lost it or that it wasn't going to make it.


Well-Known Member
thanks man, i thought i lost it too! was so surprised to see it there, germinated and all! yeah u explained it perfectly, its bent at the top, with the purple part at the top, well it was, until that cotyledon part came off, so now it jst has one. thanks for the advice, il put it under lights tonight :)