Have I lost my seeds? please help..


Active Member
Please help me with a first time grow.It seems as though my seed has stopped growing before It ever got started.
I germed my seed with a moist paper towel and in a day or two my seed had about a quarter inch or so tap root.I place the seed root about a 1/8" down in some soil in a 7oz cup.I used a 26w 1600 lumen 6500k cfl bulb about 2 inches away from the soil.The soil I felt was never very dry or wet I would give the seed about a cap full of bottled water every 24 hrs or so.The problem that I have is that my seed managed to push it's way to the top of the soil in a few days but had stalled there.I was checking the soil today when the seed had kinda rolled on me.I noticed the root tip of the seed was brown and the root had just growing in a small circle.Has my plant died now?What could of gone wrong for future reference.Is there anything that I could do know to save this little bugger? thx...

p.s. temps where a steady 80 degrees.


Well-Known Member
Sounds dead from water rot. Do you have drainage in those cups? And don't water everyday. Flood the soil and let it dry out over a few days. It NEEDS to get dry every so often. Don't try and keep a constant moisture or something.

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Picasso may be right but I'm willing to throw this presumption in the bin:

In nature seeds get scattered any way possible. So tap roots don't always have the privilege of ending up pointing down. Still, they manage to perfectly find the soil and redirect themselves downward. This is due to the heat that is coming from the ground. Tap roots always grow towards a heat source and since in nature heat is produced deeper and deeper in the soil, they grow in that direction.

Because you had a cfl heat up the top of the soil while the bottom remained relatively cold, the tap root had to invest energy growing upwards from it's initial direction, wasting precious energy. Eventually the seed ran out of stocked energy and died. This may be why your tap root formed a circle. trying to grow up.

Alot of pros and seed producers put a heating plate under the cups or pots in order to attract the tap root and accelerate root system formation. This also works wonderfully with fresh clones.


Active Member
I've heard that you shouldn't put light on your seed until it's finished sprouting. That is, germinate the seed in a paper towel, plant it in soil (without light), and wait for it to poke out of the soil. Then you can put the light on it. (My thinking is if it doesn't have leaves, it can't use the light.)


Well-Known Member
Picasso may be right but I'm willing to throw this presumption in the bin:

In nature seeds get scattered any way possible. So tap roots don't always have the privilege of ending up pointing down. Still, they manage to perfectly find the soil and redirect themselves downward. This is due to the heat that is coming from the ground. Tap roots always grow towards a heat source and since in nature heat is produced deeper and deeper in the soil, they grow in that direction.

Because you had a cfl heat up the top of the soil while the bottom remained relatively cold, the tap root had to invest energy growing upwards from it's initial direction, wasting precious energy. Eventually the seed ran out of stocked energy and died. This may be why your tap root formed a circle. trying to grow up.

Alot of pros and seed producers put a heating plate under the cups or pots in order to attract the tap root and accelerate root system formation. This also works wonderfully with fresh clones.
I missed that small circle part, you may be right.