Have a look at this , any idea's ?


Well-Known Member
That PH is fine for soil.

Looks a lot like moisture stress, (over watering).
Maybe over nuted as well.

What nutes is it getting.

Is that bark on the top soil?


Well-Known Member
Is that not a seedling? Or a clone? Either way, I don't see the purpose in either giving it fertilizer or flushing so early in its growth. You would be wise to transplant it to a "flat" soil. Take off the bottom leaves....they're dead. Your seedling can still flourish.....just don't overdo a single thing. Let it be for now. At most, give it a small dose of fish emulsion. Build up from there.


Well-Known Member
It's not the soil though it's that you've kept it overwatered and never let the roots go dry enough between waterings. Maybe you are watering every day even?

Don't water again until the pot feels light as a feather compared to what it is now and she'll perk up. That's cheap soil but it's not likely the cause of it looking this bad this early on.


Well-Known Member
i flushed the soil cos the ph was way to high , there about 3 weeks old , and so far i cant find a soil mix that doesnt have bark in it , im not in the states so i cant buy the foxfarm stuff , and i wass roughly once every 2 days


Well-Known Member
and i was watering roughly every 2 days* also yeah i think i need to go out and buy some of the volcanic rock the get some air to the roots


Well-Known Member
That baby probably only needed water once a week at most at that size. Don't water plants until the pot is dry and light weight.


Well-Known Member
how dry? i heard from a pro grower that if it gets to dry u can shock the plant , im buying a moisture meter 2morrow scale 1-10 when should i water them ?


Well-Known Member
how dry? i heard from a pro grower that if it gets to dry u can shock the plant , im buying a moisture meter 2morrow scale 1-10 when should i water them ?
I agree with OM here.
That little one, in that size pot, should only be watered once a week, or when the pot is light to lift.
Could be every 10 days!
MJ prefers to live on the dry side.
You'll cause more stress by keeping it's roots too moist.


Well-Known Member
You'll see when it's happy again it'll perk up. Also it looks like maybe it's gotten a bit too much fertilizer. Sometimes flushing can make certain soils release more ferts than normal so maybe that's it. Don't fertilize more and she will perk up once she's not too wet all the time. It's ready for water when it droops again after the first recovery and way too dry is when it's leaves are completely drooping like mad. Just keep an eye on it twice a day until you learn what it wants.

The plant is it's own moisture meter just watch the leaves.