

New Member
Pissing on your weed the acidic urine will desolve the non-thc particles and just leave the thc to be converted into a very potent black goo


Well-Known Member
try looking it up on here there are some threads about it but there are several ways to do it.
Ice extraction method is very popular. fdd2blk has some great threads that are helpful and very informative. try looking up his stuff. and also try the do it yourself threads.
hash is good.


Well-Known Member
here is the simplest method to making hash ever.. i use this method all the time with fantastic results..

The Gumby Method..

fill a 5 gal bucket (or several if u have lots of trim) with water, ice and trim...
agitate for 15 - 20 minutes with a power drill w/paint mixer

after the 20 mins, you screen out the spent shwag from the bucket..
we want to get it really clean..
remove any ice chunks, keep them for you next ice wash bucket..
make sure to reallly squeeze out the water from the shwag and to remove all
leaf matter from the water. the water should have a brown color too it.. this is good..

"The Screening"
when shwag has been totally cleaned from the wash bucket, u place screen on
top of clean empty bucket and carefully pour wash bucket contents
thru screen into clean bucket.. thus creating the "gumbo" bucket.

Letting gravity do its thing...
ok now let it sit for 4 hours.. during this step do not move or
touch the buckets... we want the water to be still and motionless
for the entire 4 hours.

now that the buckets have sat for 4 hours, take a 6 or 7 foot plastic
hose and use this as a syphon to drain off the water in the buckets..
during the last 4 hours millions and millions of resin heads have gradually
settled to the bottom of our gumbo buckets.. we are now ready to extract
the resin..

when syphoning do not go too deep.. as you are nearing the bottom of the
bucket u will begin to see the bottom of the pail, it will be covered in
a layer of resin glands. you do not need to syphon off all the water that
is above the resin layer.. instead leave a 1/2 inch of water above the
resin layer.. we do not want our syphon hose to get too close to our precious resin..
leaving a half inch or even a full inch is fine at this pont...
if you wish u may use a turkey baster to aid in getting the water
to the desired 1/2 inch above resin layer depth...

nextm give the gumbo bucket a good swirl to once again suspend the
settled resin heads in the 1/2 inch of water so they will pour out nicely.
Once you have poured all of the buckets contents into the jar, leave the jar
sit "undisturbed" for 2 hours.do not move or toucch. u can really start to
see the trichrome heads starting to settle now!..

after 2 hours of settling, use a 3 foot piece of aquarium tubing to syphon
out the water once again... u want to get really close to the resin this time..
take out as much water as u can without sucking out any resin.

next take a spoon or a turkey baster to remove the resin and place into a bowl
lined with doubled up wax paper

ok.. now u want to dry it out.. i use a heating pad, a lightbulb, and a couple of
fans to speed up the drying process.. keep monitoring your drying resin water
if u find there is a bit too much water
and want to help speed it up, u can use the towels to "wick" up excess water
and it wont mess with the resin.. the drying process will take several hours

here is a still wet nugget that will take a couple more hours to dry before i
start to hand roll until sticky black.

when the resin is about 75% dry you can remove from the wax paper
and shape into a ball..

continue heating and working the ball till
perfection occurs... this ball weighs in at 54 grams and bubbles like crazy

from 750 grams of trim... using the GUMBY METHOD.. 15% resin volume was extracted
for a total of 112 grams of gumby bubble hash...


or you can view this in video form here:
YouTube - "Gumby"Bubble Hash Method. Hashish. Marijuana. Weed. Pot.