Hash stopped getting me high....

Boogaloo Bud

Well-Known Member
For some reason last summer hash used to make me high as a kite, as well as everyone around me. Since I prefer smoking weed I usually don't smoke much hash. But seeing as how the whole fucking proving is dry of weed, I'm having to try and survive off hash.

The thing is, it doesn't seem to get me high anymore. I feel a slight on-set of it but that's it. It's strong shit because I know cronics who smoke it and love it. We each smoke a bowl of weed and I seem to get a little higher then my buddy because he smokes more, but if we smoke the same amount of hash, he's flying high and I'm barely noticing anything.

The only difference is that last summer if was afghani hash, now it's Goldseal. I know shit about hash but I can't understand why I don't get high. People are even saying it's stronger then last years stuff when they try it.

It's really fucked because it's all I've got for anywhere from 2 days to 2 weeks.