Has this happened to anyone?


Hi I am a first time grower, just harvested one plant last week, and hung it upside down to dry. I pulled some off the hanging stem to sample (smallish buds dried in like two days due to heatwave!) and I felt nothing! I tried it a few more days and no high whatsoever. Then I put it in a mason jar to start its curing, waiting one day, sampled that stash, and I was ripped. Now you mean to tell me pot goes from having no psychoactive THC in drying stage, to being perfectly effective after one day in a jar? This seems a bit odd, as I know people who toast up fresh pot in an oven and smoke it, not hours after it was growing off their plant! Just trying to know what to expect in the future...

"If patience started a band, I'd be her biggest fan."


Well-Known Member
Hi I am a first time grower, just harvested one plant last week, and hung it upside down to dry. I pulled some off the hanging stem to sample (smallish buds dried in like two days due to heatwave!) and I felt nothing! I tried it a few more days and no high whatsoever. Then I put it in a mason jar to start its curing, waiting one day, sampled that stash, and I was ripped. Now you mean to tell me pot goes from having no psychoactive THC in drying stage, to being perfectly effective after one day in a jar? This seems a bit odd, as I know people who toast up fresh pot in an oven and smoke it, not hours after it was growing off their plant! Just trying to know what to expect in the future...

"If patience started a band, I'd be her biggest fan."
the most logical explanation of this is that the outsides of particular buds got too dry, too quick. and inside of the jar, is absorbed a little moisture, which IS a good thing man! you did what you were supposed to do in that situation, so props to you! + rep man! wanna rep me back?