Has my seedling died?

So I germinated a seed about 3 days ago and at the end of the first day it had already cracked and there was a bit of root already sticking out. I planted it into a mix of about %75 perlite %25 potting soil mix at the end of day one and gave it a good watering.

I left the thing along for all along day 2 under a 400w mh on a 12/12 timer.

Today was day 3 and I just checked up on the seed uncovering it a bit to see how it was doing. Sad to say the perlite did too good of a job and the soil was bone dry, the seed looked a little dried out but hanging in there by a thread. roots were still white but it's growth was stunted. I flushed the pot with water and covered the seed back up with about 1/4 inch of wet soil again.

Since seeds and seedlings are so sensitive to these kinds of things I was wondering if it would die from the stress, or if it could survive being dry for a day then getting a good soaking? :-|


Well-Known Member
Way too much pearlite, your doing passive hydro pretty much get a soil moisture meter if your going to roll like that :):):)
Yeah I was thinking that too. There is still a good amount of soil in there.

The main reason why I used so much this time is because I tend to over water my plants a lot and they all have stunted growth because of it in the end. I'd rather have plenty of perlite and water often then water every couple of days and risk over watering it since I have very little experience so far.
And yeah I have a moisture meter.

I had a hard time believing the soil was as dry as it was on the meter but I guess now I know it never lies. :)


Well-Known Member
Live and learn young jedi. I would have just watered less rather than going perlite wild ya crazy bastard :) i water my seedlings with a syringe in dirt. Theyre only an inch tall, you dont need to flood them, they cant drink that much. Hopefully she comes around for ya, good luck broski :):):)