Has anyone tried this?

The Bud Dude

Active Member
It was just a stoned thought, but it sounded probable so I thought I would ask. If it is stupid just tell me it is. I don't care. But I was thinking that roots need oxygen which is why we have things like hydroponics and such. Some people put aerators in soil to get oxygen in the dirt. So my idea is to drill a hole in the side of my 3 gallon pot and place a pvc pipe through it with tiny holes drilled in it to let just natural air circulation get below the soil. would this get air to the roots naturally to create bigger plants or is this just a pipe dream? do you need more detail? this was difficult to write because I'm stoned. sorry.


Well-Known Member
It might work, but i doubt it. I would imagine the holes would get clogged very quickly. Just switch to hydro if you want all that o2, its really not that hard and or expensive. Actually once you have everything set up, i would say it is actually easier than soil cause you can just set timers and leave. All you have to do is check the ph and ppm periodically lol. Plus it is soo much cleaner lol. But to each their own. Try it out, let us know how it goes.


Well-Known Member
No it's a good idea, and I've seen a few people do it. I can't find any pics right now, but if I run across any I'll post back.