Has anyone ever built a DWC system with a refugium ?


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I’m new to this site and also new to growing. I just built my first grow room and have been setting it up and gathering all of the equipment to start. Anyways I’m probably going to grow in coco and perlite but I been wondering about building my own DWC system(I’m good at building things and I believe I could make an amazing system for way cheaper than what they’re selling for). I’m also into fish tanks, has anyone ever tried to build some type of refugium in connection with the DWC system ? Or would it be pointless ? I’ve never grew before so this all could sound dumb but I’ve heard people say they have slime and such inside their buckets. I’m wondering if you had a refugium built in connection somehow and it would grow the algae only inside that specific chamber ? I know algae eats nitrates, ammonia and plenty other chemicals from the water. OR do the marijuana plants already do that themselves ?


Well-Known Member
The purpose of a refugium inside a fish tank sump / filter is for many of reasons but the 2 main reason I was thinking is to eat up unwanted chemicals in the water and also to contain the algae (slime) inside of the refugium only and NOT inside of the buckets where the marijuana would be growing

I know inside fish tanks when you have one setup, algae will not grow inside of your main fish tank and only inside the refugium / sump filter