Has anyone bought or currently own these?


Stay away fom cheap digitals. If you're on a budget like many of us are go with a magnetic ballast. A magnetic ballast is more reliable in the long run plus you can fix a magnetic ballast whereas a digital pretty much becomes garbage the instant it quits on you.

Some people like to keep the ballast inside their grow tent or closet which makes a magnetic a less then ideal choice. However if you can keep the ballast outside your grow tent or closet the temps will be easier to deal with.

With a single 1000W HPS you should really look into getting a vented/sealed hood it will be much easier to deal with all the heat a 1000W will kick out.


Well-Known Member
THANK YOU VERY MUCH!! :o) I think I might go with the xxxtreme vented hoods from CAP Those things are NUTZ! the local grow store has them bt they are $200 a piece.