has any1 tried the BHO extraction?

brewing up

Well-Known Member
thinking of trying this as it looks good, does any1 hav any experience with this? whats it like to smoke? whats the high like?


Active Member
I do it all the time with trimmed sweet leaf, OMG. 1 J and ya fucked with a capital F. harsh on the lungs but mind bending.

Ya can make a sealed tube from ya local plumbers yard for about £6.


Well-Known Member
great shit, let the butane air out well and i'd only use the quintuple filtered. some people use some crazy contraptions to make that stuff but i can make quality bho with just a plate, a pan of water and hot plate. i put mine on 1-2 for the heat, but stove temps vary so finding your perfect number might take a minute. it doesnt need to be boiling water but just enough so to make the butane turn to vapor. if you do set it too high, your bho wont be bad but probably a bit darker than regular bho, i usually get a yellowish or orange tint colored but trichs are visible.

remember, you need a nail and dome for any bong that you have, and a blow torch. these accessories can get pricey but theres plenty of tobacco stores where you could buy a nail, dome, dabber(pick or whatever you wanna call it) whether it be glass or titanium, i prefer titanium because it works well as a conductor. (edit:all together my nail, dome and dabber costed $40, 10 for a nail, 20 for the dome and 10 for my titanium nail)

watch your fingers, touching those nails burn like hell. and if i were to describe the high, only word i could say is mind blowing. the first time i smoked it my legs were numb and i could barely open my eyes i was so lit. its that high thatll give any stoner that first time high feeling whenever they smoke it the first time, especially if you do it for wake n bake. btw, i make 4gs of bho every other week and 4gs would last me a matter of two days if i didnt make oil with it, 4gs worth of bho last me about 5-6 days usually.


Well-Known Member
Definitely read upon it before attempting. Make sure to use cleaner butane and to do it all outside - people have been blowing up their houses/apartments recently doing the process incorrectly and being stupid. I would highly recommend vacuum purging over heat purging.


Well-Known Member
the best desription i could give is that bho is to weed what crack is to coke. very pure, very hard hitting, very nice.


Well-Known Member
whats the taste like? does it fuck you up yeah? :-D
tastes harsh at first, just like any other smoke. it varies like it does with strains, my favorite so far has been cheese bho. it somewhat exhibits the buds taste, but in a smooth sense. like smoking keiff sort of, id say smoother though.

and yes, it got me fucked up the first time and it continues to get me fucked up everytime i smoke it, just a real stoned head high but you get that melting into the couch feeling, as well as the couchlock. i have felt different highs from bho from different strains but its a head high a majority of the time


I just started doing bho extractions, I used the stainless steel turkey baster from Bed Bath & Beyond, It works quite nicely, and comes with a tip you can grind down flat that the butane tip fits perfectly in. I bought a case of some 5x filtered butane to get it done for $25.

Taste is great, air it out and just make sure you whip it real good after you scrape it up. I put a couple dabs on a bowl and after 1 or 2 hits im good. The high almost makes me non-functional.:eyesmoke:

Keep in mind safety when you do it, no open flames, sparks, and do it outside. Butane sinks to the floor so dont have your dog or any other animals downwind. I was scared as shit when I first did it, but I believe that made me a little more catious caring it out. Just use your head and you'll be high as hell in no time.


Well-Known Member
I just started doing bho extractions, I used the stainless steel turkey baster from Bed Bath & Beyond, It works quite nicely, and comes with a tip you can grind down flat that the butane tip fits perfectly in. I bought a case of some 5x filtered butane to get it done for $25.

Taste is great, air it out and just make sure you whip it real good after you scrape it up. I put a couple dabs on a bowl and after 1 or 2 hits im good. The high almost makes me non-functional.:eyesmoke:

Keep in mind safety when you do it, no open flames, sparks, and do it outside. Butane sinks to the floor so dont have your dog or any other animals downwind. I was scared as shit when I first did it, but I believe that made me a little more catious caring it out. Just use your head and you'll be high as hell in no time.
nice, idk why i didnt try a turkey baster, ive still been using the metal pvc pipe for extraction. while your extracting also remember to hit the top a bit so more of the oil falls out and so all the plant matter can be exposed and all the keiff can be collected.
ah, i almost forgot to tell him about whipping it, when you finally have it scraped onto a razor sort of play with it with a dabber or a needle and twirl it around a bit. this will keep it gooey and easy to use.