Has Any1 Ever seen this????


Well-Known Member
I just recently heard somone else had this in the Live Chat, Im not sure what it is but Im gonna suggest it may be the strain, or your plant just wants to be a badass, which Im sure it will be. But my best guess is genetics.


looks like you got yourself a mutant.... shit like that happens from time to time. maybe it was inbred to much and needs to be outcrossed.


Well-Known Member
ive had this happen once before. its cool but i don't think it can be reproduced. i think its just an anomaly, freak, monster.

an extra node means extra bud :P
looks like in the middle it will be another set of leave leaves haha or maybe six idk but im excited ill keep posting pictures when it gets a little bigger


Active Member
If you follow Uncle Ben's topping technique, you should end up with 6 main colas, I would check out his thread under Advanced. I envy you!


Well-Known Member
The type of mutation you see in your plant is discussed here: http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/P/Polyploidy.html. MJ is usually a DIPLOID plant, giving two stems per node, opposite each other. POLYPLOID plants carry a mutation such that the plant adds one or more to this number. So you have a Triploid Cannabis plant. Wait a bit and take clones. They should all be that way. And then please send me one. :) It may grow bigger than the diploid variety so be ready for it, space-wise...