Harvesting & Trimming Large Number of Plants ...


Well-Known Member
Come harvest time, you have had a successful Gorilla Grow, now comes the time to take down your plants to your trimming facility where a Twister trimming machine awaits.

Pulling down the harvested plants has to happen under the protection of night, so part of the night will be used to pull down the plants and part of the night into the day will be used for trimming in your sound proof building with a Twister Trimming Machine.

Even with a Twister Trimming Machine your not going to be able to get through all the plants you have pulled down, and you can't go out to the following night to pull more down, so the question is, could one set up Turtle kiddie backyard wadding pools full of water and put the bottom part of the roots of the plants that have been taken down to extend the time from when they are pulled down to the time they are trimmed to keep them fresher longer?

And if this can be done, how long could the plants with their root clusters stay in the pools of water till the freshness of the plant that is required to stay fresh enough for the Twister Trimming machine to still do a great job.

Hope I have explained this properly, sorry for it being long winded.



wtf? It will work for a few days...dont let light hit the roots so put like a black trashbag or something over it....and....ya just scratch what i said. dont do that.