Harvesting and Transporting

I have a medical harvest coming up this weekend in a city 4 hours away. We're spending the weekend there to harvest, then bringing it back down here. What would be the most efficient way to bring it back safely and without alerting keen noses of the scent.

I want to cure these properly when I get home.


Well-Known Member
i would cover your vehicle in poop, just smear it over the whole thing. it will block smell and will also block FLIR

Just put it in any container and dont drive like an idiot. stop at stop signs, dont speed, use turn signals. and youll be fine


Active Member
yo smelly proff bags are a wonder in the industry of transport. also dont smoke while transporting. check you tail lights and turn signals drive by day. at night any set of hed lights could be a 5.0 follow speed limets and all trafic laws. pray! if you eant right with jesus you better get that way. trash bags also lock it smell pritty well. good luck.


Well-Known Member
turkey bags work fine if it is fairly dry i would put it in a zip lock bag with a bit of air and then vac seal it. the sooner you do this to the time of transport the better as the smell particles will start to eventually escape. also do not contaminate the sealed bags with any smells on the outside. i.e where different gloves before and after sealing. you could also wipe them down with alcohol. or even transport the sealed bags submerged in liquid.


Well-Known Member
Coolers work well. Wipe the outside of the cooler down with some Pine-Sol or something and don't open it until you get home. Of course, the tighter sealing, stronger coolers are best.

Obviously don't just fill the coolers with buds. Put your buds in the smell proof bags and throw those in the cooler.


Well-Known Member
i have a wooden frame that fits in the back of my truck 12'' high i use turkey bags inside of vacseal bags cout out 7-8 hash marks on the vac bag and you got a perfect pound bag fill turkey bag suck out air tie knot gently put invac bac do not vac!!!!!! seal wipe with iso.... put dogs and dog beds and bikes in back of truck just coming back from a bike at the coast officer! and i sometime take the highway 20 to the highway 1 and blend right in


Well-Known Member
i have a wooden frame that fits in the back of my truck 12'' high i use turkey bags inside of vacseal bags cout out 7-8 hash marks on the vac bag and you got a perfect pound bag fill turkey bag suck out air tie knot gently put invac bac do not vac!!!!!! seal wipe with iso.... put dogs and dog beds and bikes in back of truck just coming back from a bike at the coast officer! and i sometime take the highway 20 to the highway 1 and blend right in
i always bring my dog with me and she always has some extra food for the trip.:wink: if you leave a bit of air in the turkey bags you can vac the outer bags but if it will crush everything its not worth it. i would love to see the back of your truck.

yo yo oreo

Well-Known Member
My grow was outdoor this year, about an hour and a half hike. From the spot to my car I simply just wrapped them in some plastic and put them in my backpacking backpack, and got a couple compliments on my 'cologne'! I trimmed at a friends house, she was only like 10 mins away from mine so I just used jars until I got home. Though admittedly if I had smelled my plants without knowing what they were, I probably would have had no idea. These ones had a... different smell.
In your case I like the cooler idea. Just drive safe and smart and you should be fine! ;)


Well-Known Member
a pickup truck throw it in boxes then in garbage bags, the heavy duty type not the thin ones. then throw the bag ion the back of your truck problem solved.