Harvested Today. Need Some Advice, +rep for Answers


First off if somebody could people me in the direction of a step by step instructional post/article on drying and curing i would be soo stoked. Anyway today i pulled three of my ladies, I trimmed off all the sugar/fan leaves and hung them up to dry.(did i do this wrong? am i suppose to trim off the sugar leaves after they dry?) second question: are they suppose to be drying in a dark room/light room? i read the drying normally takes about 3-9 days and after i bottle in mason jars and cure? at which point the jars are normally closed for about 12 hours then opened for about 10-15 minutes depending on the humidity inside the jar? i feel like im so close but yet so far:cry:


bud bootlegger
sounds like you've got it all pretty much figured out.. you can hang them in either a dark room or one with no direct sunlight, dark would be better as light degrades thc... what you mostly want though is no direct sunlight or direct light at all, and a cooler dry, low ph room...
i know that fdd2black has a great thread telling how to dry and cure nugs, i'll see if i can locate it and post a link for you..