harvest TIME please HELP


Active Member
ive had these couple beauties for awhile now and its coming down to the final stretch. I have to vacate the premises as of the end of this month, so lots to do in the next week. I am asking anyone who knows, i have to have them curing in bags by the 27th, morning...is there any way i can cut them tomorrow, dry for *a day*? then transfer into curing bags (ziplocs in paperbags?) for the remainder of the time? light sch 830-830 light at night...i also have heard of going dark for few days before harvest, as this pushes the plant to its limits on budding? i think i want to try this, they are dark now and will turn on at 830



Well-Known Member
you need to go dark like and try your trick right now .your going to have to harvest and cure in an open area that has good air ventilation .........one month..... leach them and get ready to pop their cherrys


Well-Known Member
Keep any damp weed in paper and not plastic...plus move it around and get new air into bags or your shit will mold..... I've dried weed in a suitcase with layers of paper... this works well if you've not grown under HID lights..and have fluffy buds..the drying between newspaper compresses the weed a bit and helps from being too fluffy... plus all you have to do is move it around daily and you're fine...