HARVEST TIME! How do they look?


Well-Known Member
you need to trim those leaves off a bit but other than that they look tasty. sweet boxer.


Well-Known Member
how are you drying them? whats the temp and humidity and is there air movement or desicant?


Well-Known Member
nice harvest brother. i cant smoke for a month because i am landing a killer job, but i AM JEALOUS. LATE


Active Member
They are drying in what is normally my second grow room. The temp is about 65 or so I have plenty of air circulation from an oscilating tower fan. The problem is my humidity though it is about 60% how bad of problems is this going to cause me? Any idea on an easy way to lower it?


Well-Known Member
plenty of air circulating will work like porchmonkey said or just toss a very small space heater in there set at a low temp. that will dry the air out. late


Well-Known Member
you can put in some dessicant if you want to suck some of the moisture up. its pretty cheap. just wrap it in some paper towel and clip it next to your buds to draw the moisture away. no problemo


Active Member
Thank You all for the good advice and help! I do have one more question. Anytime I open the drying room to check on my girls it smells like fresh cut grass, ivy, or some other sort of greenery. No skunky smell!?? Is this normal or what did I do wrong? Can I fix it?


Well-Known Member
check out worldwidemarijuanaseeds.com i live the ak48 from nirvana. nice and cheap. seeds seem to come like 100% of the time within the states.