harvest time..got some questions..


Well-Known Member
First off.. this is first time grow..

So because of the weather I am going to have to harvest be4 I wanted to but what ever..
So when I pull my plant Should I cut it at the bottom or rip the roots up two? This Old man swears by ripin those roots up and hanging them for a day or 2.
HAs any1 done this??
So as of right now this is my plan..please point out if wrong..
I will harvest my plant be4 the end of the week than prune it, Hang up side down(with or without roots not sure) than cut the branchs leave upside down for like a week than Glass mason jar for a month..and take it out everyday and play with it lol so it dosent get mold..right??? sorry for grammer and puncuation but I am in a rush..bongsmiliehave a great day and a happy 420 and remember...Smoke every joint and bong and bowl like its your last cuz it just might be..


Well-Known Member
First off.. this is first time grow..

So when I pull my plant Should I cut it at the bottom or rip the roots up two? This Old man swears by ripin those roots up and hanging them for a day or 2.
HAs any1 done this??
So as of right now this is my plan..please point out if wrong..
I will harvest my plant be4 the end of the week than prune it, Hang up side down(with or without roots not sure) than cut the branchs leave upside down for like a week than Glass mason jar for a month..and take it out everyday and play with it lol so it dosent get mold..right??? sorry for grammer and puncuation but I am in a rush..bongsmiliehave a great day and a happy 420 and remember...Smoke every joint and bong and bowl like its your last cuz it just might be..

mate when i harvest i trim all the major fan leaves off and let the plant continue flowering for a day or two ,then i turn the lights out for approximatley 24-36 hours before i chop them down.When i chop i cut the base of the stem right off and leave the roots in the soil ---(no need for them now,and they will just add to your drying time)

As for letting them dry for a week then bagging/mason jarring them----not a good idea----let them buds dry out until there is only about 10%water left in the stems........when the stem is dry it will SNAP when you bend it

then and only then is it ready for the cure etc:wink:

hope this helps you out my friend

kiss-ass<...lol only kidding



Well-Known Member
My plant is outside so I cant shut off the lights but thanks man,
has any1 tried that root thing? will it make it more potent?


Well-Known Member
you dont want the roots hanging around that is where all the shit that makes your weed harsh is stored also cut them down before the sun comes up or the roots willstart feeding the plant again


Well-Known Member
really I was gunna take it today during the middle of the day cuz than all resin is soaking at the top of the plant..-thats what I have been told I am moments away from doing the murder some1 else plz post if the agree and or suggestions


Well-Known Member
the resin doesnt go away at night however all nutes and sugars and shit are stored in the roots at night ive never even heard of deliberatly harvesting midday