Harvest Question


Active Member
So I started harvesting my female plant at 52 days and have been taking buds mainly from the top down for the last 15 days. I did this because I wanted to monitor the triclomes (sp) and sort of experiment with the strength and potency. Well I've gone from a plant that was a full 50 inches down to a plant that is now 14 inches and still budding and pretty robust.

Because of the length of my harvest period new but very small buds have started to form along the undergrowth.

My question is will these lower newer buds continue to grow and develop and will they still be potent.

The only thing I could think to do to check this was look at the triclomes on various leaves. I still don't think I've ever seen any fully amber triclomes yet and some of the ones on the bottom leaves are actually still clear.

Anyone have any thoughts on my plan to "extend" this harvest by another 15 days or so?