Harvest/NextCrop HELP


Active Member
So I have a couple of questions. My plants were bought in the flowering stage, I Vege'd them another two weeks when i got them. 8 weeks later the hairs turn auburn (a couple not 50%). Is what i did okay? they were only six inches tall when i got them. my crop did not turn out very well. i went chemical and had big expectations a couple weeks into flowering. I JUST learned not to use nutrients in the last days before harvest.
Is there anything else im missing?
When i harvest should i start at the bottom and let the tops get a day more?
Since all of the lower buds are aurburn should i harvest them?
Since 3 out of 6 plant tops are 50%+ auburn should i harvest them?
Leave the mostly white ones and harvest the others?

For my next try is there anything people can reccomend? I had a mildue problem i could only control, not get rid of. i used zero tolerance. anything work for anyone? I'm only going to do 4 or 5, not 6 plants. I want to FIM or top. my friend says sea of green. its going to be white widow. im going to get bud blood, colossal bud, i use grow-micro-bloom,sweet, big bud, pirahnna in veg, overdrive in flowering, and mother earth tea organic blend. Should i stop using anything? get anything?

Im so disappointed any tips/ideas would be wonderful.