harvest advice


this is my first grow. I have some white widow clones that are about 33 days in bud. I used bushmaster on them at the beginning of bud. I have done so many things wrong, but learned from them, that I am happy to have gotten this far. My question is: How do I know when to harvest? I know about checking with a magnifying glass but I've heard that you want the hairs to be 50% brown but also heard that you want the trichombs to start to turn brown. My plants are starting to get some brown hairs and I'm not sure when to go to straight water in there reservoir. I figured they would be done at around 8 weeks. By the way they look I would think that 6 weeks might be when they are done. I would like to hear from some of you guys and girls about what you have done and found. I know every strain is different but I was hoping for some general guide lines. Thanks


Well-Known Member
You're going to want to go longer than that. Look at both the trichs and the pistils. Trichs will be a preference, some like them cloudy, some like them amber, some like a mix. Look for the pistils to begin to pull back into the calyx. Use some ting like a jewelers loop or scope to inspect the trichs. Patience.


I would advise you to check the harvesting and curing section here. There's an excellent thread on this topic. A very common mistake among new growers is jumping the gun, which is no good since buds pack on the weight/ resin in the final 2 weeks. When I grew WW, it really frosted up in the final week (week 9 if I remember correctly). Get a scope & look for most trichomes to start going amber before you chop. I think it is Uncle Ben who posted the harvest guide which is now stickied in the harvest forum.


Active Member
pinned hit it on the nail, trichomes 75% amber then your ready, 2 weeks of flushing,before you harvest,it worked for me with no nute taste at all,and no flushing solution,just H2o. post some pics and we will have a better idea.........


Active Member
pinned hit it on the nail, trichomes 75% amber then your ready, 2 weeks of flushing,before you harvest,it worked for me with no nute taste at all,and no flushing solution,just H2o. post some pics and we will have a better idea.........

Whoah! 75% amber is way too much. THC degrades after 50% amber. You should shoot to harvest around 10-20% amber trichs with mostly cloudy.


Thanks everyone. I will check the harvesting and curing section. I have tried to search for harvest info and I just don't know my way around the sight well enough yet so I didn't have any luck. Pic's.... Well In all honesty I'm scared you all might laugh at me(not really). One of the things I did wrong was nut burn them about 10 days ago. I had to trim off a lot of water leaves. Also I didn't trim off enough low branches so they are a little crowded. When I saw lkmyblz asked about some pic's I was trying to think of excuses like my camera is broke or I don't have a camera. Oh well I'll face down my fear and post a couple of pics after a bit. Thanks again.


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I just cant get any good pic's. I have a couple to put up. The hairs are about 50% brown. They are at 38 days. Should I start my flush?


Well-Known Member
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I just cant get any good pic's. I have a couple to put up. The hairs are about 50% brown. They are at 38 days. Should I start my flush?
Once again, (and you should ALREADY KNOW THIS!!!) but once again.. you don't go by the color of the hairs. You need to go and get yourself a jewlers loupe (or a cheap magnifier with at least 30x or better).. and check the color of the trychomes on the plant. This is the correct way of telling when to harvest. You should never judge a plant by the color of the hairs.. as when or when not to harvest. Never ever do that.

Go by the color of the trichs. Here, I've also included a nice little graph for you to read and check out. Which, from the sound of it.. you need all the help you can get.. because apparently you have no idea what your doing. Graph is below. Your welcome.

View attachment 1103333


Easy ganjaluvr. Didn't I say at the start of this thread that this was my first grow? I know your supposed to check the trichs, but on your first go round it's a little confusing. I did already get a magnifier from radio shack. I'm asking for advice to help me through my first grow to help me get the experience under my belt. Thanks for the chart but leave the attitude at the door. I don't smoke myself but am growing for a very good friend who needs the medicine to get through the day and can't physically grow. That adds a little extra pressure because I want to do the best I can for them. I do love to grow also. Thanks everyone for the input and remember you where beginners once also. Peace

Flo Grow

Well-Known Member
Easy ganjaluvr. Didn't I say at the start of this thread that this was my first grow? I know your supposed to check the trichs, but on your first go round it's a little confusing. I did already get a magnifier from radio shack. I'm asking for advice to help me through my first grow to help me get the experience under my belt. Thanks for the chart but leave the attitude at the door. I don't smoke myself but am growing for a very good friend who needs the medicine to get through the day and can't physically grow. That adds a little extra pressure because I want to do the best I can for them. I do love to grow also. Thanks everyone for the input and remember you where beginners once also. Peace
What's up, FJ !?

White Widow is a 8 -10 week strain.
You are approaching week 6, so you can expect her to plump up some more in the next 2 weeks easily.
Go by the trichs. When they get close to where you want them, begin at least a 7 day flush.
Keep the flush ppm's under 100, preferrably around 50 ppm.
15ml Molasses per 1gal water should do it.
You want the ppm's low. Less than what you give a seedling (100 - 250 ppm).
You want to flush, not feed a light nute mix. Most ppl are flushing and STILL feeding with 200+ ppm flushes. Feeding light but still feeding.

Hopes that helps !
Congrats on your first grow too !


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, you're on the right path with the magnifier, and mostly cloudy trichs with a few amber will be DANK!

Now you need to learn how to dry and cure, just do a search on this forum an drying and curing and you will find many methods, just pick the one that you think will work for you and you'll be all good!


This morning I was looking at the trichs and I wondered where is your best indicator. For example do you want to look diriectly at the bud, or can you look at a flater surface like one of the little leaves right up against the bud? I had an easier time with the flater surface. I'm guessing you want to check multiple places on the plants, correct?


Well-Known Member
You got it, the leaves close to the bud is a good spot to check trichs. I would check multiple spots, but I think that you'll find that the percentages will be close to the same all over.


You got it, the leaves close to the bud is a good spot to check trichs. I would check multiple spots, but I think that you'll find that the percentages will be close to the same all over
Cool. I've been checking them just so I get some practice. The buds are still filling out nicely. I just had no experience and when I saw the hairs browning up I panicked. Now I'm seeing The bud's still filling in nicely, not perfect but it will hopefully be a good first grow. Thanks again for the advice (or maybe reassurance).
Whoah! 75% amber is way too much. THC degrades after 50% amber. You should shoot to harvest around 10-20% amber trichs with mostly cloudy.
I agree with this and if I were you I would give it some molasses for a few days (I only use a few tsp in my dwc 18gal tub) but you can use how ever much you want up to 1tsp a gal... and then flush with plain water for 1-2 weeks , filtered it best because of the low ppm.

They look good and really close to harvest to me from the pics but depending of the strain sometimes the hairs can be 50% white/red and anywhere in between

I dont even use a magnifying glass or scope anymore its a pain in the ass and you goo up the lens if you touch your high grade flowers and then are poking all ur flowers and leaves with the scope thereby degrading them... and who has time for doing all that especially if you has a lot of plants im sure no commercial grower uses a magnifying scope.

For me the hairs are usually 60-80% the smell will be at its strongest flowers covered in trichs, mostly cloudy obvious to the naked eye. plants will have stoped growing for a couple weeks and have a full look. THC is at its highest then (at cloudy) but depending on the grower some like more cbn/cbd (sleepiness IMO) and let them go longer

hope this helps, good luck