hardcore burnt leaves?


Well-Known Member
i am using ffof distilled water and i use an organic fertilizer like 10%n, 8%ca, 4%mg and some other small shit, the leaves that are affected are very dry/dead and some are turning yellow... well anyway i think i overdosed the plant, or like a phosphorus deff? It is NOT heat burns of any kind lights are too far away and all tubes.. temps are 65-70 constant

im sure i just have to flush bigtime.. any ideas?



Well-Known Member
hmmm. that twisting is good early indicator of P deficiency. Also I see on one of the pics yuo are getting some purpling on the middle of the leaf. But I also do see some N deficiency starting as well.
overwater can cause this and/or if there is not enough air getting to the root zone.
what type of fert r u using? do you have the NPK ratio's? Also how old are they?


Active Member
If you havent already solved this I'll 2nd the (P) def,=. BUT I'd suspect even though you used ph'd water (i think) they are still pH imbalanced because the soil is too rich? possible. lots of wood in there and I have learnt my lesson growing with wood ships in the soil.

need to see people using more peatmoss and home grown compost with w/e the fuck you can think of. just no wood!