Hard Water?


Active Member
I am new to growing hydro.
Anyone here using Hard Water for their DWC set up?
I will be using the 2 piece Lucas Formula. With Flora Micro OR Hard Water Flora Micro once I know my waters PPM (tester in the mail).

Should I let the hard water sit in buckets for 24 hours before using it on plants?
Or use it right away?

Thanks for any help.


Well-Known Member
If its city tap water I would let it sit 24hrs. You can have chlorine that your city adds. I have an ro unit that feeds a 55gal drum that I have an airstone on all the time. I like to think that the areated water has some kind of advantage over water just sitting with no O2 in it when I do rez changes. I also temp my water as to not shock the babies from going from groom room rez temps to my rez water that is cold as shit. If you have well water the tds will fluctuate as rain water/snow melt(if you have snow) enters the water table.